The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ as the world’s only Saviour was publicly proclaimed in Slough High Street on April 30th by Pastors John Sherwood and Peter Simpson, and Mr Graham Parkhouse from Epsom. 

A young man walking by very dismissively rejected the offer of an evangelistic tract with the attitude, of, I am the last person on this earth who would be interested in such a thing. Pastor Simpson stressed upon him that it was a vitally important message which concerned all people without any exceptions. May the Lord be pleased yet to cause this man to reconsider his attitude.  

A young Muslim couple stood nearby and listened to the preaching for a number of minutes. Whether this was out of genuine interest, or simply in order to make note of what they see as grave errors, was not quite clear, because they did not wish to enter into conversation. Nevertheless, there is a special power in the public proclamation of the gospel, and so may the Holy Spirit apply what was heard to their hearts. 

One man in his sixties stood by listening as Mr Parkhouse preached.  He then mentioned to the preacher that he knew he had to take the  message seriously. A close companion of his had recently died, which had drawn to engage in some deep thinking. He was thankfully willing to accept a free copy of the Bible, saying that now was the right time for him to begin to build a new life. May he indeed find new life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Pastor Simpson opened his preaching by quoting Isaiah 1:16, emphasising the inward uncleanness of all men. All need to be cleansed on the inside; all need to undergo the “washing of regeneration” (Titus 3:5), and this is why the Lord Jesus taught the absolute necessity of the new birth for anyone to be saved. No one is a ‘good-hearted’ person by nature. All need to come to Christ for a new heart. No one has the ability through their own endeavours  and attempts at good works to give themselves a new heart. It is the Holy Spirit’s work alone, as a man repents of sin and trust in Christ in order to be inwardly washed and renewed. 

May those who heard the gospel in Slough be brought to see their urgent need of the inward cleansing which can only be received as one flees to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith.