Pastor Sherwood explaining the way of salvation

Pastors John Sherwood and Peter Simpson were proclaiming Jesus Christ and Him crucified in the centre of Slough on November 22nd.

At one stage the police we are called to the scene because of a complaint about the volume of the preaching, which was just the human voice without any amplification. As Pastor Sherwood was talking to an officer about this, a loud airliner went overhead and the minister made the point that there were all sorts of loud sounds being heard in the High Street. He also commented that what he was doing was no more than going about his lawful and regular occupation as a preacher of the gospel. 

Pastor Simpson during his preaching asked the question, Why will you die?, being prompted by the text of Ezekiel 18:31, “Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Eternal death is a reality for all who have not trusted in Christ. It is nothing less than an eternal condemnation, which is what our sin deserves. Hell is a reality.   

During Pastor Simpson’s preaching, a man came right up to him and asked, Do you do you know what you need to do? The minister responded? What? The man then replied with much glee, “You need to get a life”, and then walked off. The preacher immediately came back with the loud declaration, “I already have life; indeed, it is which is eternal, and that is what you urgently need”. 

Mrs Pilkington had conversations with two Roman Catholics.  She emphasised the fact that the Lord Jesus is both fully man and fully God, and that central to our faith is His substitutionary death to pay the penalty for sin which we all deserve. The two Catholics listened with interest and sadly appeared not to know too much concerning these two vital doctrines. May the Lord lead them into all truth. 

An older man walking past declined to take a tract from the witnessing sister. However, a short time later he came back, and she said to him that he now felt ready to receive the leaflet. We trust that this was the Holy Spirit’s work.

He said that he was a God-fearing man. May the Lord lead him into a full knowledge of personal salvation through faith in the only Saviour.

Indeed, may many others who heard in Slough likewise come to realise concerning the Lord Jesus Christ that “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).