HIGH WYCOMBE : Man who dislikes the preaching tells pastor, What a shame that you did not die from Covid.
Pastor Peter Simpson was preaching the gospel in High Wycombe High Street on February 23rd helped by two lady church members, Mrs Campbell, and Mrs Outten.
One lady asked Mrs Outten what she thought about the Church of England deciding to bless same-sex marriages. The enquirer was told that to reject the authority of God’s moral law as laid down in the Bible disqualified a person from claiming to be a true Christian.
At one stage, a young man came out of the nearby pub to listen to the preaching. He told Mrs Outten that he had once attended a good, sound church, but following the death of his father at a very young age he had fallen away from the faith, and was feeling bitter towards God.
The witnessing sister told him that while his grief over his father is very understandable, we live in a fallen world where death regularly occurs, and none of us is able to tell God how He should govern the world or what He should or should not do. His father’s death, no matter how tragic, did happen in the providence of God, and it is our calling to accept what He has done, even though we do not understand.
Mrs Outten went on to explain to him the importance of repenting of sin and humbly coming to the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. The young man did not wish to take a Bible or any gospel literature, but he did ask for prayer. May the Lord draw him back to faith in the all-wise God, despite his great earthly sadness.
On a number of occasions, Pastor Simpson tried to challenge passers-by with the question, Are you concerned about your sin; are you worried that you might end up in hell? Most sadly seemed concerned about such questions, with one man gesturing to the effect that the preacher was simply ‘yakking away’, because he liked the sound of his own voice.
Pastor Simpson also had encounters with two young women, one of whom said that she was bisexual, and who wanted to take a photo of the poster on display, which reads,
“to promote the LGBT agenda in schools is to indoctrinate children into an anti-Christian worldview-what they rather need is the truth of God’s word”.
The young woman strongly disagreed with the sentiments, but the minister told her that she was trying to be wiser than God, whose word speaks of two men lying with one another as an abomination.
The second young woman described herself as non-binary, and seemed to take delight in her LGBT radicalism, and in her dismissal of outmoded, cultural constructs such as gender.
Pastor Simpson suggested to her that the primary reason for her stance could simply be – the state of the nation being what it is – that she was simply following the spirit of the age in which it is highly, fashionable, trendy and progressive to embrace LGBT ideology. In other words, she was simply conforming to those around her. She then proceeded to show to the minister photographs on her Instagram account, which looked like an attempt to shock.
How tragic it was to see both of these young women denying their God-given femininity and revelling in the rejection of God’s holy commandments.
A man walked by as Pastor Simpson was preaching and said to him, What a shame that you did not die of Covid! The man was in full control of his faculties; he was not affected by drink or drugs; he appeared to well-educated, and so his nasty comment was simply the product of the state of his heart. It was possible that he made the comment, because he strongly disliked the poster about the LGBT agenda in schools.
The preacher responded by suggesting that if the man could only muster such a vile personal insult with which to challenge the Christian faith, then this proved that had no real valid arguments at all for rejecting Christian truth.
May the Lord cleanse his heart, and cause him to see his need of the Saviour. Indeed, this is the prayer now being offered up for all who heard the gospel in High Wycombe upon this day.