It is so essential that Christians physically meet with one another. (Zoom is a tolerable second best but no proper substitute). We are commanded in Scripture to meet (Hebrews 10:24-25), and it is also of course our delight to do so.

Our freedom to engage in public worship of the one true Trinitarian God must never be taken away by the State, not even for alleged health reasons (people must be allowed to make their own choices about how they deal with heath issues). Quite simply, church is essential, whatever else is happening in society.

We must never forget the wonderful blessing and enormous privilege of physically meeting together – especially on the first day of the week – the day of Christ’s resurrection – in order to praise and learn from Him who manifests Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ.

Such freedom to worship is truly a source of national blessing. It helps to hold back the judgement of God on a rebellious nation, and it also provides an essential focal point of help and strength for God’s people in the midst of the generally anti-Christian climate which is modern Britain.

(If, however, any are unable to attend in person at church – which attendance we would always strongly advocate, the services can be followed online using Zoom. There may of course be some who simply do not live near enough to attend. Please email for the Zoom link.

As we meet, we endeavour at all times, as John Wesley stated, to “stand fast in the good old Bible way”.