Pastors Peter Simpson and John Sherwood were preaching the gospel in the centre of Uxbridge on June 23rd. Joining in the witness were three local Christians and Mrs Lesley Pilkington. 

Mrs Pilkington had a profitable conversation with two Muslim schoolboys about the nature of the Lord Jesus as the Son of God, He who is fully divine, and yet who appeared on earth as a man in order to be men’s Saviour. They did not appear to have heard these truths before. In God’s providence they were quite open to having the gospel explained to them, and said that they would come back in a fortnight with some questions. May they indeed do so, and may the Lord work upon their hearts in the meanwhile. 

Pastor Simpson spoke to a young man who insisted that the Christian faith bore no validity, because there is no evidence that Jesus Christ ever existed! The minister told him that the testimony of the writers of the New Testament was sufficient evidence, as was the transforming effect of the gospel of Christ on both individuals and societies throughout history. The great social reforms of the 19th century in Britain, for example, were the direct result of people having been personally transformed by the gospel, and are proof that the Lord Jesus is alive in the hearts of those who believe in Him in every generation. 

The young man sadly had no awareness of personal sinfulness, or indeed of possessing a sinful heart. Instead he argued that he was a good-hearted person. Pastor Simpson endeavoured to impress upon him that no one is good by nature,  for “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). All need to come to the Lord Jesus Christ for a new nature.

Pastor Simpson opened his preaching by quoting “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7). He explained how modern Britain despises the wisdom of God’s word. This is seen, for example, in the sinful redefinition of marriage and in the wickedness of abortion.

Men must start fearing God, because all will one day have to stand before the judgement seat of Christ. So not to fear God is to put oneself in great danger. May many who heard the gospel in Uxbridge come to a rapid awareness of this reality, and flee in repentance and faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, whilst there is still time.